
1. We have been around a while. KSA was founded in 1978 as Kindle, Stone, & Associates, Inc., in Longview, Texas. The firm was established as a municipal engineering company. Throughout the early years of the company, our engineers focused primarily on water and wastewater plants, pipelines, pump stations and storage tanks, many of which were funded through EPA grants that were available in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Today, we provide a broad range of consulting, management, engineering, architecture, planning, surveying and construction services. 2. We are growing. In the last 20 years, KSA has grown from 71 employees in five locations to ...
Published in Last Word Private-client market activity volume has returned to pre-2008 levels, ACEC Executive Director for Private Client Practice Don Sherman told the audience at ACEC/Louisiana's Project Outlook 2014 Conference last week. "Private construction spending has increased by more than 35 percent since 2011, while public spending has actually declined by 10 percent," said Sherman. “Firms are responding to those shifts. Fully 65 percent of revenue for ACEC Member Firms on the ENR 500 now comes from the private client sector." Looking specifically at engineering markets in Louisiana, Sherman pointed to private market growth areas, including ...
Published in Last Word ACEC submitted comments last week to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers citing concerns about the expansion of federal jurisdiction over domestic waters—including wetlands—in the proposed Waters of the U.S. regulation. Based on input from members, ACEC asked for clarifications of new designations to describe covered waters and questioned the new definitions of floodplains and tributaries. ACEC also raised concerns over whether ditches and wastewater treatment ponds might be subject to regulation under the proposed rule. The Council called for “a uniform policy and consistency” in the ...
Published in Last Word ACEC/New York raised more than $64,000 to reach its 2014 ACEC/PAC fundraising goal. That total marks the highest amount ever raised by a Member Organization in ACEC/PAC history, and ACEC/NY is still actively soliciting funds. New York joins Indiana, South Carolina, Delaware, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Nevada, Kentucky, Connecticut, Washington, North Dakota, Alaska, Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas, Arizona, Maryland, Metro Washington, Arkansas and Utah in achieving their 2014 fundraising goals. PAC Champion Charlie Gozdziewski of Hardesty & Hanover credited consistent peer-to-peer effort as the key to the state’s success. “All ...
Published in Last Word The U.S. Senate on Tuesday narrowly voted down an ACEC-backed bill that would have approved construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Although the vote count was 59-41 in favor, 60 "Ayes" were needed to guarantee filibuster-proof passage. The House approved the measure last week. In a letter to Senators prior to the vote, ACEC President Dave Raymond said that "passage was long overdue," State Department and environmental clearances had been achieved, the “nation should continue to embrace a wide range of energy sources,” and building the pipeline “is part of our national energy diversification.” Click here to view Raymond’s ...
Published in Last Word In a major victory for the engineering industry, the Idaho Supreme Court has ruled that an engineer’s lien rights commence at the start of professional services, not when the engineer arrives at the site or when something is built. The decision helps to protect the priority of engineers’ liens against subsequent liens filed by mortgage companies and other financial institutions. ACEC provided a Minuteman Fund grant to ACEC/Idaho for an amicus brief in this case. In a separate action, ACEC awarded a Minuteman Fund grant to ACEC/New York to support its campaign to win additional state infrastructure funding, primarily for roads, bridges, ...
Published in Last Word ACEC/Arkansas and ACEC/Utah reached their 2014 ACEC/PAC targets last week, joining Indiana, South Carolina, Delaware, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Nevada, Kentucky, Connecticut, Washington, North Dakota, Alaska Illinois, Nebraska, Kanas, Arizona, Maryland and Metro Washington. Arkansas PAC Champion Jeff Geurian of CEI Engineering said the state saw firsthand the benefits of having a well-funded PAC. “There were several tight elections in Arkansas this year, and we were able to use ACEC/PAC to help our friends,” he said, “Being able to say ‘yes’ to last minute requests for additional funds will go a long way.” PAC Champions ...
Published in Last Word Duke Energy will spend $3.4 billion to clean up 32 coal ash storage ponds in North Carolina in order to comply with new state regulations approved in the wake of a 39,000 ton ash spill into the Dan River in February, 2014. Duke Energy proposes to excavate and rebury coal ash at four sites and take less expensive remediation steps at 10 others, including reusing ash as construction fill or installing waterproof caps. The utility claims that if it must excavate and rebury all 32 sites, the total cost would be $10 billion. The state Department of Environment and Natural Resources recently rejected Duke Energy's proposed groundwater ...
Published in Last Word Metrolinx, which oversees public transportation infrastructure in metropolitan Toronto, announced this week it will use Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) for the first time in contracting the design and construction of a multi-level parking structure. “We congratulate Metrolinx for its commitment to recognizing the best practice of consultant selection when it comes to infrastructure design and delivery," said Barry Steinberg, chief executive officer of Consulting Engineers of Ontario. "We are looking forward to many more QBS projects being offered in the future.” "This is a major win for the industry in Ontario and across Canada," ...
Published in Last Word California voters approved a $7.5 billion water bond initiative in the recent election that includes $2.7 billion for water storage projects, $800 million for dealing with groundwater pollution, and $725 million for water recycling and desalination projects. ACEC/California will be working with both the state legislature and administration to ensure that the monies are appropriated suitably. Despite the high level of funding, supporters caution that the state still has a long way to go in dealing with its water supply issues. “This bond funding is just a down payment toward fixing our state's serious water problems, and we ...
Published in Last Word Karen Daniel, CFO of Black & Veatch, has been appointed to the President's Advisory Council to Advance Business Priorities in Africa. The advisory council will recommend to U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker how to develop and strengthen commercial ties between the U.S. and Africa. Daniel is one of 15 participants on the advisory council, which also includes representatives from Walmart, The Hershey Company and McKinsey & Company. ACEC has a strong relationship with the U.S. Department of Commerce and continues to work with the agency to promote U.S. engineering firms across the globe. #International
Published in Last Word Congressman Joe Heck (R-NV) (center) met this week with Scott Plummer of G.C. Wallace, Inc. (left), and ACEC/PAC Champion Greg DeSart of Geotechnical & Environmental Services Inc. #ACECPAC
Published in Last Word ACEC is submitting comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its Waters of the U.S. proposal, asking the agency to clarify several definitions in order to better understand the extent of the proposed regulation's reach. Opponents of the Waters of the U.S. proposal claim it expands the Clean Water Act to bring almost every body of water in the country under federal jurisdiction. The EPA asserts it is merely a clarification of the Act. The public comment period ends on November 14. #EnvironmentandEnergy
Published in Last Word The House and Senate reconvened this week for a post-election session aimed at funding the federal government and the extending several important tax provisions, both of which are ACEC priorities. Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY) and Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), who chair the House and Senate Appropriations Committees respectively, plan to introduce in early December an “omnibus” spending package to fund federal agencies and programs through the end of fiscal year 2015. The current Continuing Resolution to fund government operations expires on December 15th. ACEC supports passage of the appropriations bill, which is expected to include ...
Published in Last Word Senator John Boozman (R-AR) is urging the Obama Administration not to move forward with its proposal to define the scope of waters that are protected under the Clean Water Act. "This proposed rule will give Washington virtually unlimited authority over all state and local waters," Boozman said. "It’s an unprecedented takeover perpetrated by abuse of the rule making process." EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said the Waters of the United States rule clarifies, rather than expands, the agency's authority over the nation's waterways. #EnvironmentandEnergy
Published in Last Word ACEC/Metro Washington has surpassed its annual fundraising goal for the tenth consecutive year, joining Indiana, South Carolina, Delaware, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Nevada, Kentucky, Connecticut, Washington, North Dakota, Alaska Illinois, Nebraska, Kanas, Arizona and Maryland. “Living and working in the metro DC area it is easy to become desensitized to politics,” said PAC Champion Gregg Spagnolo of AECOM, “but action by the engineering business community is more important than ever as we prepare to work with the 114th Congress.” According to FEC summaries, ACEC/PAC is the fifth largest PAC in the A/E/C Industry and the 21st ...
Published in Last Word Voters in Maryland and Wisconsin adopted constitutional amendments to safeguard transportation investment by prohibiting transfers from their state transportation trust funds to other programs in the state general funds. ACEC Minuteman Fund grants boosted the successful campaign in Maryland. In Texas, voters approved a ballot proposition to transfer up to half of the oil and gas production taxes from the state’s rainy day fund to the state highway fund. The amendment is projected to generate up to $1.2 billion per year to fund road construction and maintenance. Other local sales tax and bonding initiatives for transportation ...
Published in Last Word Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) (center), who is expected to be the new chair of the Senate Energy Committee, met with ACEC President Dave Raymond (left) and former Chairman Ted Williams on Capitol Hill last year. This week’s election will bring new faces to critical leadership positions in Congress, and new opportunities for both energy and infrastructure interests. Congressman Bill Shuster (R-PA) is expected to remain as chair of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK)—another longtime friend of the engineering industry—is expected to take over as the new chair of the Environment and ...
Published in Last Word On Tuesday, Republicans took control of the Senate and expanded their majority in the House. Many ACEC-backed candidates from both parties prevailed, giving the Council a boost heading into the new Congress. Republicans picked up seven Senate seats, with the possibility of adding to the total when contests in Alaska, Louisiana and Virginia are resolved. In the House, Republicans have netted thirteen additional seats, with more possible, which will be their largest margin since 1949. ACEC/PAC was heavily invested in many close races, including the successful campaigns of Senate candidates Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Steve Daines (R-MT), ...
Published in Last Word The United States Department of Agriculture is providing $352 million in loans and grants to upgrade rural water and wastewater systems nationwide. "These investments are critical for our health and safety, and in the long term for sustainable economic development," said USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack. "Investments like these in the nation's water infrastructure also are critical to address the impact of climate change on our water supplies." For more information, click here . #EnvironmentandEnergy